Every one of us is familiar with energy drains. Sometimes, there’s that person or thing that drains our energy in one fail swoop, and other times, it’s more of a low-grade energy drain that we don’t realize is happening until we end up feeling completely exhausted. There are energy zappers all around us, and we must be aware of what is draining us so that we have high levels of energy to spend on the people and the things that matter most to us in life.

Do you often feel frustrated that you don’t have the energy you wish you had for the people and things that are most important to you?  If so, it’s time to make a shift in your life. What matters most to you should be getting the very best of you, and it can, but you have to be willing to own how you spend your energy in every moment of your day. 

Here are 10 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Energy and Own Your Life!

  1. Stop tolerating what is draining you. 

Plain and simple. If it is draining your energy, and not bringing you joy, then stop it. It is your life, and you do have a choice. Stop believing you have to keep doing something that is sucking you dry.  You just don’t. Give yourself permission right now to take back your energy from what is draining you and stealing from your life. 

2. Stop doing what you’re supposed to do.

I know you know which ones I mean. Those strategies and formulas for success that sound good and are enticing, but they feel heavy or burdensome. And they don’t bring you joy! Notice the things that you are engaging in that are draining your energy, and you just don’t want to do them anymore. You are most successful and most fulfilled when you spend your time and energy doing what brings you the most joy.

3. Refuel and refill your spirit, mind, and body instead of merely checking out. 

During your breaks, after work, and in the in-between moments, be intentional about refueling yourself, instead of merely checking out with watching tv, scrolling through social media, or oversleeping. You know those things that fill you up in healthy ways that truly refuel your mind, body, and spirit – do more of those.  Stop settling for exhausting yourself, and then anesthetizing yourself, when what you actually need is to be refilled and refueled.

4. Stop trying to force things to happen.

Notice where you are trying to force things to happen in your life and business. Where do you feel resistance that is heavy and exhausting? The resistance is an indication that it’s either not time yet, or that thing is not for you. Stop trying to force it because it’s not productive. Striving and performing will do nothing but keep you running on an endless treadmill and wear you out!

5. Be creative.

We are powerfully creative beings. When we aren’t expressing ourselves creatively in some way, then we are disconnecting from our hearts and denying our true nature. Being creative breathes life into our body and soul, and it is inspiring to our minds and hearts.  We tell ourselves that our responsibilities and duties are so much more important, and we don’t have time for creativity in our lives, but how we are lying to ourselves! We are much more productive, inspired, and clearly focused when we take time to be express ourselves creatively – and we feel pure joy!

6. Move Your Body

Movement feeds your cells more energy to burn and circulates more oxygen in your system. It also practically guarantees that you’ll sleep more soundly. The endorphins released when we move make our body feel more energized, and any energy that is stuck and heavy will clear out with movement, too. When you feel stuck mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, movement restarts the flow in your body. Even if you start with a brisk walk on a regular basis – it’s time to start moving. 

7. Eat for energy

Think about eating to fuel your body. Your body is a furnace, and it needs fuel to burn energy. Eating foods lower in sugar and with a low glycemic index (where sugar is absorbed slowly) helps avoid the energy drops you get by eating refined sugars and starches. These are foods like whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils such as olive oil.  Balance your blood sugar by eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day with a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats at every meal. Proteins and fats have glycemic indexes that are close to zero.  Think about fueling your body instead of feeding your emotions, anesthetizing yourself, or eating to try to offset stress.  

8. Limit alcohol

Nothing like dousing your evening energy with a late afternoon cocktail.  And it interrupts your restorative sleep, too. If you’re going to drink, do so in moderation at a time when you don’t mind having your energy wind down.  But instead of relying on alcohol to relax and de-stress you, learn new, healthier ways – there are many, like deep breathing, yoga, stretching, meditation, etc. that actually boost your energy, create a productive flow of chemicals in your body, and enhance your sleep.   

9. Drink water

Often when we feel fatigued, it may be partly because we are dehydrated.  Water is life-giving energy for the body. It is healthy, pure, and refreshing, and our bodies need more of it to function optimally and boost our energy levels. 

10. Spend time with your power source. 

God is the ultimate power source, the life breather, in the center of our being. Spending time in His presence refuels and refills our body, mind, and spirit like nothing else. Plug yourself into the ultimate power source for even a few minutes daily, and get a supernatural energy boost that is unmatched. 

Okay, now it’s up to you to make the shift. You don’t have to be perfect and do them all at once. Pick one, start there, and then build on it. Only you can choose how you spend your energy, so decide that you’re done with feeling tired and drained.

Take Back Your Power, Own Your Life, and Choose Your Boost!

Connie Jones, MA, LPC Sucess Coach and Therapist