Today’s blog completes the final of the 4 R’s to experience a different kind of R&R. Recovering from the records of the past and Restoring the truth about our God given identity allows us to experience harmony from the inside out. Considering all that we are experiencing in our nation right now it is increasingly important to maintain our wellbeing in the midst of the chaos and conflict.
The steps to practice R&R are not a one and done process, but like physical exercise it takes time to build strength and stamina. For a quick review, the first step is to Recognize what thought patterns and beliefs have been governing our choices and behaviors, then Repentance is doing a 180 degree turn by acknowledging and taking action to change those patterns. The third step is continually Replacing the lies we have believed with the truth, and lastly today’s topic is intentionally Remembering the truth.
Memories are often recalled when we have an experience that triggers one or more of our five senses. A few years ago after my dad passed away every time I would smell his jacket hanging in the closet it was like he was right there and I was flooded with sweet memories of caring for him. Although the memories that get triggered may not always be favorable, we can understand the power of the intimate connection. In practicing R&R we can build and strengthen new memories by intentionally engaging our five senses through a “created experience.” Without an interactive experience we can make repeated declarations of the truth, or tell ourselves repeatedly that we are not defined by our past but with limited success to actualize the change of thought or habit we desire.
An example of this idea to build memory using the topic of forgiveness would be to create an invoice with all the record of wrongs, spray the paper with a fragrance you love, then shred it into pieces while declaring all the debts you are cancelling. Now, you have just engaged your sense of touch, sight, smell, and hearing. If you put the shredded invoice in a small box or baggie you can pull it out when you need to recall that memory and strengthen it. Furthermore, engaging in a physical activity that reflects a mental, emotional, or spiritual truth is a powerful way to begin moving that reality from something you cognitively agree with to an internalized truth that you feel within your heart. There is more to the process than just writing a list, but it can initiate powerful change to walk in R&R. If you have tried to get breakthrough in your struggle with a pattern or habit in your life and would like some creative insight and tools, I love working with clients to get sustainable results.