I think that the power of art is the power to wake us up, strike us to our depths, change us. – Jhumpa Lahiri
The first time that I saw this sculpture by Ukranian artist Alexander Milo, it stopped me in my tracks. I immediately resonated with its simple, but beautiful message that even in the midst of deep conflict, there is something young, innocent and unafraid that seeks to reach across the divide and connect. It’s amazing how truth has the power to do that sometimes, to wake us up and restore us to our senses.
I immediately was able to put myself into one of those wire frames and remember the times that I’ve been in conflict, or relational breakdown with someone that I love. The pain, the loneliness, the frustration and the defeat is so clear in those wire figures… have you ever been there?
It’s intriguing how the wireframes of the “grown up” part of the sculptures actually could be viewed as a cage or prison, and this is apt because we so often feel trapped and imprisoned by the emotions of bitterness, resentment or rejection that come up in conflict. The real question that this image evokes though is: “Is there a way out?”
Is there a way to stop these cycles? A way to connect with that part of you and others that is open, trusting, loving and compassionate instead of the part that is closed off, suspicious, fearful and critical?
This sculpture helps illustrate a simple but profound truth that can provide guidance to these questions. What you see depicted in the image is the simple truth that at every moment in our lives and in the lives of every human, there are two fundamentally different energies at work in our hearts, minds and bodies: FEAR and LOVE.
Fear focuses inwards and is self-protective. It can very quickly become big and powerful, but fear doesn’t really have the capacity to lead us toward something, rather it runs away from threats. Fear focuses primarily on guarding and protecting your own life and what is valuable to you. Fear continually asks the question: What if?
What if I get hurt? What if they say no? What if there’s not enough to go around? What if I fail?
These are all valid questions and concerns, however the issue with letting fear drive the ship is that while it has the ability to steer us away from danger, fear lacks the ability to guide us to our intended destination.
Love is the energy that is needed to make that journey. Love is constantly widening the circle of connection and seeking to add and include others as it grows larger. Love opens up and softens and grows strong by making lasting bonds of trust and connection.
I believe there’s nothing more beautiful that watching a child on a playground walk up to another child and offer the open-hearted and vulnerable invitation… “Wanna play?”
That simply act of trust and bravery is an expression of a desire that is still powerfully alive in all of us, no matter how old we are, or how many times we feel like we have been rejected or betrayed by another. This energy of love inside of us wants to be let out of the cage, but in order to overcome the voice of fear, and the “what ifs”, another perspective is needed.
Instead of asking what if, Love has a different perspective and writes a different story that begins with EVEN IF.
Even if they say no, I’m proud that I took the risk.
Even if I fail, I’m learning to get better every day.
Even if I get hurt, its worth taking risks in pursuit of what I love.
Even if today you are unable to see a way out of fear, tomorrow the sun will still rise on you, the wind will still gladly give you breath, the rain will still fall to quench your thirst and LOVE will still be patiently waiting for to open the door of your heart and begin a new journey.
Today could be that day for you. If you’re interested in taking the next step out of fear and into love and power, one of our team members would love to help come alongside you and take the next step.