Are you tired of the same old thing? Bored in your routine life?  Feel stuck in a rut?  Want something to change?

But as miserable and bored as you are, you keep doing the same thing? You don’t know what to change or how to change it.   You just know you don’t want things the way they are anymore.

When you want to change something in your life, it can feel overwhelming, and getting started is tough. But the good news is that you don’t have to take huge, radical steps.  Small changes are often the easiest way to move your life forward.  They are achievable and sustainable.

Trying starting with just two simple questions.

Today, ask yourself what you want more of in your life. Then, identify three ways to begin to create more of that.

Then, ask yourself what drains your energy? What steals life from you?  What in your life feels heavy or burdensome?  Then, identify three small ways to begin to shift that out of your life or remove that from your list.

Change is scary. And change doesn’t happen overnight.

Change begins with any new movement. It’s okay to Simply Start Small.  Do one thing different.  Shift things around a little.  Stir things up.  Create some variety.

Here are some other simple ideas for jump-starting change in your life.

1.  Get up a half hour earlier.

Read, go for a walk, pray, or just sit and breathe.  An extra thirty minutes to yourself can make a big difference.

2.  Watch one less hour of TV at night.

Instead, connect with your spouse, your family, a friend, or yourself. Or go to bed earlier.

3.  Commit to saying no to any new burden or responsibility for 30 days.

Give yourself a break to see what you want more or less of in your schedule.

4.  Ask one person for help in one area of your life.

Delegate some tasks. Let others in to help you.

5.  Talk to one new person today.

Allow yourself to be present with them and share yourself in a different way than usual.

6.  Tackle that thing you’ve been putting off.

Even if it’s little bit by little bit. Work on it 15 minutes a day until you get it done.

7.  Take a walk.

Get outside in the fresh air. Get moving.  Enjoy the beauty around you.

8.  Do one thing you enjoy everyday. 

One thing that nurtures your body or nourishes your soul. Or maybe it’s just something fun.

9.  Change up your scenery.

Go outside to read.  Drive a different route and notice what’s going on around you.  Do an activity at a different time or place.

10. Speak three positive affirmations per day.

Say them out loud and breathe them in.  Write them down and take them with you so you can refer to them throughout the day.
