Showing Up

You know those moments when truth hits you at the center of your being? That instant when you hear something or read something and it cuts to your core? And you feel a shift inside? Well, I experienced one of those moments this week, and it brought to life for me some...

When You Don’t Hear From God

We’ve all been there. We pray. We ask to know God’s will, to hear His answer on something that is important to us. We go to Him earnestly seeking direction or peace, or we pray for Him to give us clarity, truth, and wisdom. We ask. We listen. We wait. We ask again and...

Is Your Life Not Working for You?

Is your life not working for you? Do you desperately want something to change? “You change for two reasons. Either you learn enough that you want to, or you’ve been hurt enough that you have to.” – Unknown Maybe you’re not happy in your relationship with your...

Free Yourself From Suffering

We’ve all been there at different times in our lives, and maybe you’re there now. You think, “It’s too hard.  I won’t ever get where I want to be.” You say, “It’s too late.  I’ve not made good decisions, and I’m stuck.” You think, “I’m alone, and it’s always going to...