Busy. Overwhelmed. Tired. Stressed. Worried.

Here you are again wishing life was different and you could just catch a break.

Yet, the demands of life don’t ever stop. And if you don’t keep making things happen, no one else will.

All of the circumstances of life seem to be closing in around you, and the constant demands and pressures of life, work, finances, and family are mounting.

All you know to do is stay on the treadmill that never slows and eventually wears you out mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You keep going and reduce yourself to living every moment in the busy grind and to reacting as best you can to the stirring up of negative, fearful energy, and chaos that envelops you.

Your solution is not to continue to battle what will inevitably break you.

Instead, your solace is in RETREAT.

It feels counterproductive and senseless to our logical minds, and uncomfortable to our habituated, addicted bodies. You ask yourself, “Why take more time and spend money in the midst of a financial struggle, or a busy demanding schedule? I can’t afford it financially, and I just don’t have the time right now. It will just cause more problems. The plates will all fall, and I will get further behind.”

Yet, deep in your soul, if you stop to listen for just a moment, you hear a calling to step away and seek solace, deep connection, and refreshment. This time of weariness and busyness is actually a perfect time to invest in yourself, your health, and your spiritual well-being.

Going on a Retreat allows you to experience the expansiveness of nature, open spaces, relaxation, and centering. A Retreat offers a respite for you get away, calm your mind, and listen to your soul.

And it’s in that place that SOMETHING SHIFTS IN YOU.

When You Change, Circumstances Change Around You.

So, why Retreat?

  1. Peace and Quiet in Nature: A retreat is a break from real life for a few days. You escape to a peaceful location, far away from all the hustle and bustle of every day life in a natural environment, which enables you to experience calm, open space. You rest and rejuvenate. Sleep, sit, go for a walk, take in the beauty, connect with nature, breathe in the fresh air, be one with the elements
  2. Reconnection: During a retreat you reconnect with yourself, with nature, with other people, with time, with your fears, and with your soul’s callings and longings.
  3. Me-time: This time is all about YOU. Take a break from work or the kids. Concentrate on you and just you. Let your husband take care of the kids (and who cares if he dresses them totally wrong!). Let someone else fill in for you at work. The world won’t go down because you are out of it for a few days. When you do re-engage in your life, the people around you will also benefit from your time at the retreat. They will welcome a replenished, relaxed partner, mother, co-worker, boss, etc.
  4. Discovery: Retreats are all about discovery. Of yourself. Of other people. Of a new place. Of new answers to old questions. Of new solutions to old problems. Retreats allow you to step out of your comfort zone and open up to something new.
  5. Learning: Retreats are full of learning. They usually have quite an important element of coaching built into their program. You will learn new ways of thinking, new ways of doing, and new ways of experiencing life from your coach, from the other participants, from yourself, from nature, and in the still and silent moments.
  6. Clarity: A retreat offers you the space to gain clarity. About where you want to go or what you want to do with certain issues. It will provide you with some clear answers to some tough questions. It offers you deeper meaning, purpose, and focused intent in life.
  7. Like-minded people: On a retreat, you will meet people who are in similar situations as you, and who are looking for the same support and solutions. You will meet someone and say, “Oh wow, you have that too?”. It feels good to realize you’re not alone with your issues and questions. It is relieving to hear how other people are dealing with things or how they overcame a struggle. You may even realize that you have a lot to offer someone else, and that your situation is not so bad after all. You will connect with some in the group and stay in touch with others.
  8. Redefining Priorities: Your priorities are ever changing. You struggle with which ones are most important. A retreat helps you realign with what is most important to you and allows you to gain perspective on priorities.
  9. Overcoming Your Fears: A retreat helps you face and overcome your fears. It puts them front and center and helps you see how your fears run your life and keep you stuck. It also provides you with truths that expose the lies of your fears and show you where your true power is.
  10. Being: Instead of running, striving, searching, worrying, feeling frustrated and stuck, during a retreat you can just be, simply BE. Be in your space, in your body, in your stillness, and in rest while you enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
  11. The Gift of Truth: A retreat offers you the gift of truth. Your truth. The truth about who you are, what you want, and what is not working in your life. The truth about your strengths and weaknesses. The truth about others in your life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And it’s this truth that will bring clarity, healing, and direction to your path.
  12. Becoming A New You: You will be a new you when you come out of a retreat. Something will have burst open, sparkled, or ignited. You will come out rejuvenated, wiser, quieter, more balanced, thoughtful, full of energy, motivated, and centered.

So now that you know how going on a Retreat will change you and your circumstances, how about taking action? Find a retreat that meets your specific needs and desires or REGISTER TODAY for the Women’s Coaching Retreat I am organizing from September 17-20 in beautiful Evergreen, Colorado. Click here for Retreat Information

Explore Yourself. Explore Your World.

Rejuvenate. Realign.
