Do you often feel frustrated that things in your life are not happening the way you envisioned them? Your dream job, the financial security, those amazing places you long to visit, the healthy lifestyle, a happy marriage, and everything else you wanted?

Most of us have a picture of the way our life was supposed to be, and we all have wanted something that we’ve missed out on. Each time it happens, we are disappointed. We get down. We beat ourselves up. We blame somebody else. Maybe we cry. Or we distract ourselves with something else to temporarily relieve our pain.

No matter what we do to try to cope, it still hurts. And it feels unfair.

We ask, “What did I do wrong? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why can everybody else have it, and I can’t?”

For years, I battled achieving financial stability and a place in my career where I felt successful and accomplished. I felt unfulfilled in my relationships, and I always felt like there was more in life for me that I didn’t know how to get for myself. It looked like everybody around me had it and that they had done it correctly. I had somehow missed the memo.

Over the years as I sought guidance and investigated deeper into my core values and beliefs, I finally realized that I didn’t have what I wanted because I believed that what I wanted was not really ever going to happen for me. That I wasn’t supposed to have it. That I was having to live with consequences of bad choices that I’d made. That I was being punished. That I was having to learn a lesson about being content and grateful. Despite the reason I would come up with at the time, consistently, my belief remained that my dreams and desires weren’t going to happen for me.

I began to see that because I had been making decisions and choices according to what I believed to be true for me and my life, I was creating that reality for myself. It was a vicious cycle. My patterns of behavior and chronic self-sabotage were reinforcing the lies I believed. It was a pattern that I repeated over and over, and it wasn’t working.

I had to change it, but I didn’t know how. I didn’t even know if I ever could.

But I Did!

And so can you!

Creating positive, lasting change takes commitment and consistency. It requires you to invest your time and energy into understanding, growing, and expanding yourself, and doing that benefits you and everyone around you. The idea that you are in charge of your own personal development is powerful, and you can be in charge of creating what you want in your life.

Here’s how to start.

Strategically partner with me as your Life Coach who will guide you in creating an empowered life that is full of inspiration, purpose, and focused intent. Working with a Life Coach will help you see beyond your own limiting beliefs to find more clarity, truth, and new possibilities. You will achieve your goals and desires by planning an effective, realistic strategy and feel empowered and supported in doing way more than you have been able to do by yourself. The journey to create the life you desire is meaningful, productive, and fulfilling every step of the way.

Delve into a self-discovery and recovery process. During our work together, you will find out what makes you, uniquely you. You will identify your strengths, capabilities, passions, and values, and clarify how you want to show up and matter in the world.

Connect with your personal story, the roles you have played and continue to play in your life, the experiences that have shaped you and your perspective, and what inspires your dreams and desires. In your coaching journey, you will identify and gain awareness of the old scripts you carry, and the burdens that weigh you down and suck your energy.

Clarify what you really want. For yourself. In your career. In your relationships. For your life. Our work together will help you reconnect with your deeper longings and dreams unfulfilled. Finally, it will enable you to see clearly the barriers and obstacles that are preventing you from having that, from being that, from doing that.

Identify and shift the negative beliefs and mental strongholds that keep you stuck and keep you living small. Your thoughts, which influence your feelings have created your present circumstances. In understanding how to successfully change your thoughts, you will begin to change your life. Are you ready to overcome fear? – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being too much or not enough, fear of being alone, fear of making the wrong choice, that has paralyzed you and kept you living a life that isn’t satisfying or free. Let’s do it.

Recognize and shift how your time and energy are spent. You will learn how to spend more time and energy on the things that are getting you closer to your dreams and spend less time and energy on whatever is not productive or not serving you and others in healthy ways. You will re-evaluate your choices and ways of doing things, identify solutions, and begin living with focused intent.

Learn how to own who you are, show up as your best self, and step boldly and powerfully into your space in this world. This includes identifying and learning how to assertively ask for what you need and want without fearing negative consequences or retribution. You will learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries, protect your time and energy while still giving to others, and feel empowered in making confident decisions. Further, you will gain the courage to say yes to things you have wanted to but have been afraid of or overwhelmed by.

Create an action plan that will guide and motivate you in how to make your dreams and desires a reality in your life. Create an inspired, meaningful, enjoyable future as you navigate this roadmap to successfully Soar in an Awakened, Uncaged life – the life you were meant to live.

And it all begins right now by what you do in this moment.

So, what are you waiting on?

Your answer is here.

The path is laid out for you.

Make it happen.

Invest in YOU!

I invite you to explore my coaching programs and services at

Schedule a consultation online or email me at [email protected]

Together, we can create the life you want to live!