We all make agreements. Some agreements are legal, where we agree to pay a certain amount within a period or go into contact with a business partner. Other agreements are where we come in accordance with an opinion set in a position of agreeing. However, with all agreements, there is unity in what is decided upon by indicating the agreement’s details. 

It is much easier to see where legal agreements are made. The contract is read, and the person signed the dotted line in the agreement. The problem with agreements where accordance with an opinion is presented is we don’t know that agreements are being made. Let me give you an example. The other day a dear family member reported some negative health issues. After having the conversation with my loved one, I heard, “this is going to turn out badly,” and I agreed with that statement signed on the dotted line. However, when I realized I had made an agreement with a distorted thought, I broke the agreement immediately and made an agreement with the truth of what God had said about my loved one.

Understanding when negative agreements are made gives insight into what thought patterns are being operated. Let’s take a minute to review some negative thought patterns. Ignoring the good is a thinking error that pays more attention to the wrong things and ignores the good. We all know that person that makes a big deal out of nothing. Their thinking error is blowing things up, making a big deal out of something small the littlest thing becomes the worst. How about the future-telling thinking error where someone knows what the future holds, and it’s always believed to be bad. One that many people operate in is mind reading. They believe they know what someone else is thinking or why another person is doing something. 

Operating in a negative thinking pattern will no doubt lead to harmful agreements. Once we make that negative agreement, we live out the doom that coincides. Recognizing negative thought patterns that go in hand with negative agreements enables freedom—going back to the example of my loved one. It was evident that false thinking was present when I heard the news.

Thankfully God has worked in my life, and I can now decern when negative thinking patterns pop their head up. The error that introduced the negative agreement was future-telling thoughts. Recognizing the lie of being fearful that the future was bleak and very uncertain enabled the negative thought process to be stopped. I know God holds the end, and I will put my trust in Him. Changing the drastic future telling thoughts into God’s thoughts equipped the agreement to be broken. 

Do not agree with anything that doesn’t bring life and line up with God. Exploring the thought life gives light to false belief systems to better understand where the harmful agreements are rooted. Not every dotted line is for you to sign, so bring your thoughts into balance and positively agree with life.

Valerie Jackson, MA, LAPC