I recently noticed a tightening in my chest during the spring afternoons in Georgia. And almost immediately afterward I became aware that my breathing seemed a bit studied, like I was having to remember to breathe. Being mostly unaware of myself below the activity of my brain, I was at first confounded. But being trained to consult my emotions (years ago, I was given an emotion chart so I could develop an awareness of possible emotions that I didn’t know how to describe), I soon identified that I was anxious. Yikes!

Unlike so many, I am aware of the source of my blossoming anxiety: I need to move to a new home soon. It’s rather normal to feel anxious when faced with a new problem; it’s an inborn survival response to the unknown or to a possible threat. But for many with anxiety the source of the threat is not known and thus not solvable, either for them or for those who are trying help them.

Anxiety disorders are the most common of the psychological disorders in the world, effecting nearly 301 million people and 4% of the global population. A short internet search reveals that over 40 million U.S. adults have an anxiety disorder. Other researchers are noticing a spike in anxiety and depression in young people, even after the explosion of these symptoms during the pandemic. More alarming, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in five high school students have “seriously considered” suicide.

Anxiety is affecting us at epidemic numbers, and it robs us of enjoyment and freedom in our daily lives. The many practical solutions to address anxiety are often ineffective because the source of the threat is unknown to most people. Thankfully, an energy protocol has been developed that utilizes the body’s energy system, guided by God’s Spirit, to reveal past traumatic experiences that are now influencing current circumstances and provoking anxiety. As a practitioner of Splankna Energy Protocol, I can assist people in quickly identifying the stored trauma and its release and healing, usually beginning immediately. God is honored, the anxiety suffering released, and you find relief.

Judy Bruce