8 Signs You May Need a Life Coach

Successful people and self-help gurus alike, swear by life coaches.  They all say that the fastest way to reach success is to hire a coach, or find a mentor or role model that can help you achieve your goal much faster.  Successful people and self-help gurus alike,...

6 Reasons to Hire a Life Coach

Every top performer in the world, from professional athletes to the President of the United States, has mentors, coaches, and advisors.  Highly successful entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders also hire with a life coach to accelerate their careers. Are...

Your Grown Up Christmas List

This Christmas… It’s here. And with it comes the close of another year of life and the brink of a new one. This Christmas, amid the hustle and bustle, the hurrying, the busyness, parties, decorating, baking, shopping, the sparkle, celebrating, time with family,...

Coming Back to Life

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your schedule? Are you attempting to maintain a smile yet clinching your jaw because you are covered up with work or responsibilities? Anyone who knows about you probably admires how successful you are.  You’re making things happen; your...

10 Courageous Ways to Own Your Life

How often do you remain quiet when you have something to say? How often do you ignore your intuition when you need to take action? How often do you hold back when you know it’s time to move forward? Have you gone years without even asking yourself the questions about...