There is not a comprehensive manual that details how you can thrive in life. There’s certainly not a one size fits all playbook for excelling in your career and no step-by-step guide to building the business of your dreams. We do have access to an abundance of information in every form imaginable with advice, guidance, strategies and formulas for success and happiness. Trust me, I’ve read, listened to, heard, and tried most of them.

Though many have been very helpful and have enabled me to develop both personally and professionally, trying to figure out what guidance and which strategy was best and right for me, and how to implement and be consistent in maintaining them is another story. It can get quite overwhelming, confusing, and even frustrating. Moreover, many of them weren’t as effective for me as they were for others. We are not one size fits all, so cookie-cutter advice and formulas are applicable for everyone.

Though many self-help resources provided new knowledge and valuable insight, I needed more. I wanted someone to help me specifically, someone who was gifted to see what I couldn’t see for myself, who would call out who I really am and empower me to step into that version of myself. I wanted to work with a professional who had been where I was and who had experienced the breakthroughs for themselves, one who knew how to help me get them, too. I yearned for that person to walk out the process with me, providing support, guidance, and accountability, who would say the hard things and know how to coach me to unlock my potential and unleash my greatness in a way that nothing else could.

We are not created to figure it all out on our own. Even the top athletes, the greatest leaders, and the most successful business owners have a coach. So, I knew I needed one, too.

When I started working with a professional coach, I experienced more transformation in one year than I had in twenty years of everything else I had tried and exhausted. That was nine years ago, and every year, as I continue to work with my coach, my life and business level up in every way. Now, as a professional coach myself, I see the incredible breakthroughs
in my client’s experience that allow them to enjoy next-level success and satisfaction in life, work, and business. I am super passionate about sharing the transformational power of coaching. So, here are the Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Coach!

  1. You will learn to connect to your heart and trust your intuition, so you can be guided by your wisest, most powerful self in every area of your life and business.
  2. You will discover and embrace your unique strengths, gifts, values, passions, and superpowers so you can live and lead in your true essence unleashing your most brilliant you.
  3. You will learn how to kick fear, doubt, shame, and powerlessness to the curb and live with clarity, confidence, courage, and conviction.
  4. You will identify and break through limiting mindsets and patterns of behavior that are hindering you so you can soar to next level success and abundance.
  5. You will learn meaningful spirit, mind, and body practices that enable you to achieve optimal wellness, deep inner peace, and empowerment.
  6. You will gain clarity about how to build your business or career with ease, flow, and enjoyment according to your lifestyle values (so you overcome overwhelm, exhaustion, burden, and burnout).
  7. You will do more of what you love and less of what you don’t. (You’ll unload the burdens. Release the “have tos”. Stop the energy drains and the time suckers).
  8. You will learn productive, assertive communication and conflict resolution to build healthy, satisfying relationships, and create healthy teams and culture.
  9. You will connect with your master artist within, tap into your divine creative power, and unleash the magic of you so you can live out your dream for your life and business.
  10. You will learn to unlock greater abundance by living in alignment with your authentic self so you enjoy more freedom and wealth.

By having consistent guidance, support, and accountability, you will recognize and blow past the barriers that keep you stuck and playing small so you can make your life, career, and business dreams your reality. If you are ready to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be in your life and work, then let’s talk. Schedule a free vision strategy session with me by clicking here.

Connie Jones, MA, LPC